IPSA Library’s mission is to enhance the knowledge of the library users through collecting, storing, managing and sharing the information of various resources to them.

IPSA Library have more than 5,000 books and 2,700 resources which include Bound volumes of periodicals, Thesis, BMC works, BOD materials, Design studio works, ESS materials, HOA materials, IS codes, Maps, Charts, Posters, Articles, Research papers, Working drawings, CD’s etc.

Library subscribed more than 30 National & International periodicals. IPSA Library has a unique collection of over 3,000 drawings relating to research carried out by students and faculty over more than 20 years. A user friendly library software which is created by INFLIBNET Centre (under U.G.C.) has been adopted at the library. This well recognized software facilitates automated transaction of the books, Speedy access locations & availability information of the books of the library.

Thus V.V.P. Sanchalit Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture Library is a trio of experienced & qualified staff, rich collection of information resources and infrastructure that provides modern features.


10.00 AM To 02.00 PM
(Issue : 10.15 AM To 01.45 PM)

Tuesday To Saturday
09.00 AM To 06.00 PM
(Issue : 09.15 AM To 05.45 PM)


Besides IPSA members, library has extended its services to professionals, practitioners and the students of other institutes.


Printing & scanning facility for IPSA members.

Photocopy facility available in the library (Subject to copyright restrictions)

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) for Books, Thesis, Charts, Maps, Students work, CDs, Articles from periodicals etc.

Peaceful and comfortable reading facility of 60 seats with full of natural light and air.

Time saving computerized transaction service.

Virtual library have latest information & communication facilities like Web access, FTP, E-resources, Charles correa archives, INFLIBNET : N-List E-resouces, Data conversion, CD/DVD’s, P.C. Nodes & Server, National Digital Library.

Reprography & Data conversion services : Facilities of A4 Scanner, A3 All in one machine, A3 Scanner with P.C. Node, Photocopy, Printing & CD/DVD Writing.

IPSA Library has institutional membership of the CEPT Library. IPSA members can avail facilities of this library.

Inter library loan and Inter library reference services.

Files for newspaper cuttings.

Current awareness services to library members through e-mail.

Display of course reference collection.

Display of publications of faculty members (Institutional Repository).

Display of new arrivals.

Database of article index of selected periodicals.

IPSA Library has separate reference section having various non book materials.

Video corner facility having two separate P.C. Nodes with headphones to refer audio-visual contents.

IPSA Library have separate archive section in which RSP Drawings, Reports and Photo plates etc. are preserved with barcoded in specialized furniture.

Library have subscribed two regional and two national newspapers.

External Membership (Only for reading and reference) fees.

Sr. No. Particulars Per Day Rs. Per Week Rs. Per Month Rs.
01 Students from other institutes / IPSA  Alumni 50/- 200/- 500/-
02 Full time faculty of other institutes 100/- 400/- 1000/-
03 Professionals 200/- 600/- 2000/-

Note : Above membership does not include photocopy charges, Scanning, Photography and Photocopy of a particular reference requires prior permission of the librarian.

External Membership (For borrowing) fees

Sr. No. Particulars Deposit Refundable (Rs.) Annual Charges /Book (Rs.)
01 Students from other institutes / IPSA  Alumni 5000/- 1250/-
02 Full time faculty of other institutes 7000/- 3000/-
03 Professionals 25000/- (for 3 books) 15000/- (for 3 books)