IPSA Library’s mission is to enhance the knowledge of the library users through collecting, storing, managing and sharing the information of various resources to them.
IPSA Library have more than 5,000 books and 2,700 resources which include Bound volumes of periodicals, Thesis, BMC works, BOD materials, Design studio works, ESS materials, HOA materials, IS codes, Maps, Charts, Posters, Articles, Research papers, Working drawings, CD’s etc.
Library subscribed more than 30 National & International periodicals. IPSA Library has a unique collection of over 3,000 drawings relating to research carried out by students and faculty over more than 20 years. A user friendly library software which is created by INFLIBNET Centre (under U.G.C.) has been adopted at the library. This well recognized software facilitates automated transaction of the books, Speedy access locations & availability information of the books of the library.
Thus V.V.P. Sanchalit Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture Library is a trio of experienced & qualified staff, rich collection of information resources and infrastructure that provides modern features.